More socialising! - fewer repairs

Mon 23 Feb 2015 01:45
Éowyn is docked in
Jolly Harbour Marina
It's some 2 weeks since we last
blogged, but things have been reasonably relaxed since then
We set off for Antigua on the 6th,
and whilst we initially headed for Falmouth, we altered course to Jolly when the
wind backed 20 degrees. Clearance was easy and the anchorage outside Jolly was
calm. We were entertained by Maia then Flyin' Low, both OCC boats and dined with
Shawn & Neil from Escapade. We also saw Tim from Larus and Simon & Hilda
from Brizo.
After a few days we motorsailed to
Falmouth and spent more days doing very little, this time in the company of Tim
& Maria from Mina2 and several other OCC yachts as well as Escapade
The socializing included a trip to
Shirley Heights on Thursday, several meals at Trappas and Graham's birthday meal
at Rum Baba, one of our favourites. We rarely if ever dined alone and after
Escapade set off to Barbuda, we were joined by Anne Marie and David on Calypso a
Hallberg Rassy 39.
Back to Jolly Harbour today to
prepare Eowyn for our departure on Tuesday when we return home for 6