The Best Laid plans

Thu 11 Apr 2013 20:56
Éowyn is presently on the
D dock of in Rodney Bay Marina in the North of St Lucia in position
14:04.469 N 60:56.976W
We arrived back in St Lucia on
31st March courtesy of British Airways and spent out first night at the Palm
Haven hotel near the boatyard. The yard workers were in for the bank holiday and
we launched dead on 10 am the next day.
Our plan had been to sail to
Martinique to attend to some essential rigging work, but we met Jonathan &
Heather Howard from HR42E Matilda who were in the Marina for essential work
having completed their world ARC circumnavigation. After a couple of hours
chatting, we decided to postpone our trip to Martinique until after the WARC
parade of sail. - just as well we did as both Chris & I were soon laid low
by a debilitating cold. I recovered after a few days but Chris became more and
more poorly and on Tuesday she was in the Rodney Bay Medical centre on a
drip and breathing with the aid of a nebuliser! A chest infection was
diagnosed and the medical treatment seems to be having the desired effect as she
is now nearly back to normal.
Our revised plans mean we
should sail to Martinique next Tuesday and spend a week or so
We are considering taking
Eowyn down the East coast of South America next year and if we do so, the
insurers require that we replace the standing rigging as Eowyn will be over 10
years old. Because of the substantial windward work in such a passage, I will
also fit an inner forestay for extra security.
One advantage of our revised
programme is that we were able to meet up with Lee and Kirsty form JonJon who
have been here for a crew change