Socialising time

Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:59
Éowyn is anchored in Falmouth
Bay, Antigua.
Friday morning gave us a fantastic
wind, 20 knots from the Southeast. We averaged avoer 7 knots on the sail Antigua
but still managed to be slower than many of the other (and larger) yachts making
the same passage.
We were greeted shortly after arrival
by John & Chris Lytle of 'Oriole' and received aninvitation to a pot luck
supper with them and the crews of 'Nichea' and 'Eye Candy' all OCC members.
Appetisers were onboard 'Oriole' and then onward to 'Nichea' We managed to
produce a dessert mainly couertesy of the English Harbour bakery.
The next day we gathered again at
Trappas restaurant where a great meal was enjoyed by all. Today, Sunday we head
up to the music and barbeque at Shirley Heights also accompanied by the crew of
'Beluga III'
Tomorrw is decision tome as we are
not sure where we will go
next! |