Grenada & Beyond

Sat 17 Dec 2005 21:21
On 12th December at 0345 we upped anchor and set
sail for Grenada. the wind was mainly 15 knots from the SE, but after a few
hours, the moderate sea became somewhat rougher and Chris succumbed to the
ailment of the deep. We arrived in Prickly Bay at dusk to be met by our crew,
Becky and Richard. After a couple of days reducing the "to do" list, we
again set sail, this time for Bequia. we have modified our plans and will now go
to Bequia first to try to meet Leon Schultz finishing his transatlantic on
"Regina" and to modify the wind angle to St Kitts. In Prickly Bay, we again met
the crews of "Oriole" and "Callisto" who were busy trying to repair John's
sophisticated Yamaha Malta outboard.
We were delighted in Grenada to track down Devon
Philip of Cherry Hill and Jocelyn Stewart of Grand Anse Valley, both of whom had
been made homeless by "Ivan" in September 2004. I am pleased to report that both
now have a roof over their heads and Jocelyn is looking forward to getting into
her rebuilt home before Christmas.
After Prickly Bay, we stopped overnight in
Chatham Bay and had a great lobster barbeque from "Shark Attack"
The winds were still NW and the seas moderate to
rough, so we set off to Bequia. Our plans are now a little changed. Having
failed to rendezvous with the Schultz family on "Regina" ( we will now sail
to St Kitts on Monday 19th December - about 2+ days