Pacific Crossing /Diary

Bob & Sue Dall
Sat 28 Apr 2012 03:19
23rd April / day 6
We've had a flying start to our longest passage yet; achieving our lst 1000nms in 6 days, breaking 3 consecutive Mawari speed records in the process; 166nms, 170nms and then a whopping 182nms in 24hrs!
To celebrate we cracked open a box of Dairylea Cheese Triangles and ate the last pineapple. this was a big treat as our fresh fruit and veg provisioning hasn't been to successful and we've had to feed the fish nearly all our carrots, bananas and beans. But there's still 3 cabbages in the cockpit locker, yum. .
24th April /day 7
still bounding a long at a rate of 7 to 8 knots. Rain cloud after rain cloud soaked the decks (and crew) during the night, washing away the remains of the flying fish and squid that land on the boat at regular intervals!
With 2 head sails goose winged, its been very rolly, making sleep almost impossible. At 1st light we change the sails around, and then it happened. . . . . . .
Suddenly, after nearly 2 years on the boat, the steering failed! We were so lucky, it was nearly daylight and there was nothing to bump into. The emergency tiller made its debut and within minutes we were able to hold a course and sort things out, Bob reconnected the disconnected parts just in time to surf the waves in front of the next rainstorm, such fun. . . .
26th April / day 9
Half way! only another 1475nms to go. Still cant believe our luck, at this rate we can have half a chocolate bar each everyday and still have 1 left, mustn't get too excited, it could all change tomorrow, or even today, but at least weve got over half way without using hardly any diesel. To celebrate (and to pass the time) I wrote a little ditty;
Halfway across the sea
As far as one can be
>From the nearest chandlery
Were they sell books and charts
And essential toilet parts
As far as you can get
from the phone and internet
and a flushing toilette
With 1500 miles still to do
I'm glad we have a working loo.
There is more, but as Bob says, that's probably enough
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