Under water world

Bob & Sue Dall
Sat 23 Apr 2011 01:30
St Thomas has 5 cruise ships in today, so its very busy! Its wall to wall jewelers in the streets and alleyways, apart from one charming little shop called Fish Face which has wall to wall pictures of the underwater world. I emerge an hour or so later armed with new inspiration , new friends and a new dress!
The heavens open and we have almost two days of very heavy rain, at least the boat gets a very good wash,I listen to two yachties on the VHF who have collected over 7 gallons of water in the last 24 hrs! Boat people abandon all dignity, in these conditions they are quite happy to stand on the back of the boat, in full birthday suit, with a bottle of allover shampoo and enjoy every drop. . . there's nothing quite like a fresh water shower!
As its raining so hard we go ashore again and buy an underwater camera. . . and my new career is launched!!!Bob cant keep me out of the water and soon we are both addicted to recording and identifying every fish and every journey we take below surface.
We have decided to sign up for the Atlantic Cup Rally from Tortola to Hampton, Virginia, via Bermuda leaving Tortola on Amicas birthday, 1st May with 25 other yachts. Its been quite a struggle, in our foot loose mode, to download all the information we require for the rally. We have most of it now and its been really good to read it, check the boat and our equipment over and review all our safety procedures.
We are having great difficulty in using our phones since we arrived in USVI, worse than anywhere else in the Caribbean, just when we feel the need for it most. . . . . All my strings are pulling in one direction just now , I would go home tomorrow , if it were possible, but only for a day or two. . . . .
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