Still in Grenada

Bob & Sue Dall
Sun 13 Mar 2011 01:56
Every morning at 7.30 am there is a local radio net, today Yanina is offering some books for sale including one on the Panama canal,so we dinghy over to take a look. Four books later we discover that liz and Bob of Yanina have written not just one but two books of their own,full of very amusing cartoons, called 'On the Nose' and 'Bang on the Nose' . To cut a long story short. . . . . we scrape 60 very soggy ecs together to fund the purchase of signed copies of the personally delivered books ! Thank you Bob and Liz and please don't be too hard on us in your book about characters of the Caribbean !
Next we move on to Clark's court bay where we majestically come aground ! No damage done, we finally get to try out our brilliant new anchor again ! Magic. . . .
A cautionary tale. . a young man lost his life at Prickly Bay last night when his dinghy crashed into an unlit concrete post, always carry a good torch in your dinghy at night.
Remembering a conversation with Sandy, a lady we met at the chocolate factory, we decide to venture round the corner to Phare Bleu Marina the next day. .What a delight ! This beautiful marina is positioned at the end of a peaceful deep bay and is the best marina we have been to in the whole Caribbean. It has an immaculate beach, a lovely swimming pool,restaurant, laundry , customs and immigration, sail makers , bakery and a beautiful light ship , built in 1900 and brought here from Sweden in 2007, which houses a great lounge with big leather sofas, fantastic shower rooms with wooden floors and a very good restaurant on the upper deck, Think I would have been quite happy to stay there forever. . . but it is not to be. .
We are off again, heading north for the first time since we arrived in the west indies, but not before spending a great night with Sandy ( re chocolate factory) and her husband Andy at the Phare Bleu restaurant. .
After an over night stop at Tyrrel Bay on the way North, we stop at Union island to check in to the Grenadines and our boat boy just happens to have a round fender he wants to sell. .. . . how strange ! So we leave Union Island with a full compliment of fenders again! Now they all have their own identities so woe betide any one who takes a fancy to a Mawari Fender. . . . . Oh just remembered. . We met a lovely lady from Malaysia who told us that Mawari means 'to go round' in Japanese,. . . .Perfect!
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