04:13.143N 73:32.091E Male´, Maldives

Male´, Maldives March 18, 2019. After a relatively short 2 ½ day downwind crossing we saw a city rising over the horizon. It was Male´ with high rise buildings looking as if it was built in the sea as the surrounding land is only a few meters high. Also here the authorities made our landfall complicated and we had to wait in the darkness for several hours before we were cleared in and could go to our anchorage in Hulumale. This was a busy place with airplanes starting at the nearby airport and ferries going back and forth creating a lot of wake. So we left Male´ already the following day and went out amongst the beautiful atolls. We spent 8 days with fantastic diving and snorkelling at the most beautiful atolls you can imagine. The diving was good but not as good as in the Andamans. We tried to find the whale sharks but only saw one in the distance. There were many islands with big resorts but we were not welcome there so we stayed away from them. This has been a relaxing time and now we are getting ready for the big jump across the Arabian Sea and into the Red Sea. |