Barca Bruciata bay, Sardinia, Porto Palma bay, island of Caprera 5th -9th June 2015.
Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Tue 9 Jun 2015 18:51
Hi all, On the 5th June we slipped our lines from Cannigione and motored the short distance along the Golfo di Arzachena to Barca Bruciata bay. We enjoyed 3 lovely days on this beautiful beach in calm weather. It seems the normal Sardinian summer has kicked in with hot sun a warm breeze and the sea temperature warming up quickly. Last years wind and cold July now feel like a distant history and we hope we have a ' normal' hot summer here this year. On 8th we moved to Porto Palma bay on the Island of Caprera. A stunning turquoise bay very quiet in early season and enjoyed our first swim.
Photos of Tioram in Barca Bruciata.
Love to all T and T xxx |