7 layers of clothing: still COLD! Mahon Menorca – Bonifacio, Corsica 280NM. 24th- 26th May 2015
7 layers of clothing: still COLD Birthday party with lots of candy We did it!! Poor neighbour Long sleep again! Nice breakfast with T&T and some last preparations for departure, planned around 15.00 hrs. We shared the cooking for the next 3 days, but prepared it already in Mahon. Finally we slipped lines and left Mahon! Leaving the bay we were treated a true show from one regatta boat, a 100ft, with sails up and good wind; spectacular!! There was a regatta fleet in Mahon the past days, they went practicing for their race later that week. Out of the bay we set sail with 12 to 14 knts of wind and a large swell. But had a good course and made progress. The first night Anita shared her watch with Tina. Tony and I started our first at 23.00 hrs. Sunset on open sea is so amazing, wow… Tina warned us for a foggy and clammy night, and she was very right! It was extreme cold and clammy. My 4 layers were barely enough… But the stars and the mystic night were still beautiful. We had to start the engine unfortunately, what was the wake up call as well for Tina and Anita, who started their watch. Anita’s 7 layers were still not enough to bare the cold… The second night was better fortunately. Monday the wind was gone, flat sea. With the sun up it was a pleasant day despite motoring all day. And a great day for Tina celebrating her birthday!! Tony got the best birthday pie ever from the supermarket: a pink candy pie! The candy’s were hardly eatable, though the date of use was ok… But the idea was great, so we left the pie… At the end of the day all candy’s were gone……. During the second night we still motored, only few ours before entering Bonafacio we could set sail, great! Sailing or motoring at night is a special thing. It looks a bit boring, but seeing lights far away from you but getting closer real soon is a bit frightening too. Radar is indispensable and a great help to locate boats, their direction and speed and identity. Entering the bay and harbour of Bonafacia is very spectacular. High cliffs welcome you and entering the harbour made me think of Saint Tropez houses. But most of all: we did it!! Exhausted but exited too, about our achievement we entered the harbour on Tuesday morning. Dropping the lines around 10.00am at the best spot in harbour. Had a well-deserved breakfast in a local bar and watching our neighbour passing by with blood all over his face. Strange people, French. Anyway, we prepared to discover the city, high (I mean real high) above sea level. I decided to put on my flip flops, though Tina mentioned an immense number of stairs, but I was too exited too really listen… The city was very pretty, nice views and very busy also. Anita has already been here long time ago, but she could remember the nice and narrow streets. Meanwhile T&T supplied some first aid to our French neighbour. They were on a chartered boat and did not have a fancy ‘Passarella’ for getting off and back on the boat on a very civilised way. It had a wooden shelf. And if you step on it the wrong way it comes your way with the speed of light.… That poor man got a major injury on his forehead but the poor man’s wife was a real stoic. She rejected Tina’s help and just put a plaster on it. That was it! I hope the bleeding has stopped in time… At night lots of possibilities for a nice dinner. Looking for a pizzeria we entered a restaurant with Italian flags. The menu did not offer pizza but typical local Corsican dishes (?). Anita and Berendine x x |