Preparing for the Atlantic --Jolly Harbour, Antigua

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Sun 9 May 2010 00:15
Well we are now in Jolly Harbour, Antigua after spending a last gorgeous afternoon and evening at NonSuch bay, Green Island.
John Richards our good friend has arrived and our other new 2 crew members Malte a German guy, 22 who has sailed from Brazil 3 handed to Antigua and is heading home to Germany and James an English guy 28 who has amazingly rowed across the Atlantic single handed from La Gomera , Canaries to Antigua, 110days at sea--incredible.
We are now fully provisioned and will set sail tomorrow 9th May -- a day later than originally planned--- but ship shape and ready to go.
We have a lovely crew, we are all getting along well despite having only recently met one another and will be off in the morning.
So our next blog will be from sea on our way to the Azores. We hope to be there in approx 16 to 18 days. There are a lot of boats travelling at the same time and we will probably meet up with friends.
The Adventure continues and the Med becons.........................................
Love from
Tina ,Tony, John, Malte and James x x x