San Antonio bay, Ibiza. 5th -18th October 2014.
At 10.35, star ship enterprise, star date 5th October, we lifted anchor from Formemtera to head to San Antonio bay ,Ibiza, with a forecast for strong southerlies. En route along the coast we had a fairly violent thunderstorm, changing course several times to avoid the lightening strikes..........there is something very wrong about being at sea in a thunderstorm with a 72ft piece of metal heading straight up into the sky.....hmmm. In drizzle and heavy cloud we finally passed Isla Conejera and motored into San Antonio bay to anchor in sunshine after 25 nailed at 17.00 hrs. On 6th oct we moved a short distance to Cala Bassa bay for 4 nights in the lovely anchorage. With changing weather and wind direction we moved back into SanAntonio bay on 10th and into the marina on 11th in increasing wind. We were trying to head back to Spain but the south westerly winds were right on the bow and with the sea state on the bow too, not really feasible. We stayed in the marina until 18th when we finally got a change in wind direction to be able to sail back to the mainland. Photos of ..... Cala Bassa bay San Antonio bay Love to all T and T xxx |