Island of Zakinthos, Ionian/ Tioram heads West through Messina Straits.--- 8th--10th September 38.15:09N 015.37:54E

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Fri 16 Sep 2011 06:07
The wind filled to 14 T knots and we sailed for the following 67 n
In the early hours of 9th Jackie and John had the pleasure of dodging an
iridescent blue flying fish which flew onto the decks and landed at Johns feet,
flapping around, before being tossed overboard !!
After a total of 138 n miles we were motoring again in 7 t knots of wind.
The day went by with very hot sun, 29c on our shaded thermometer and a nice warm
On our second night at sea, 9th, we had an amazing sunset as we neared the
sole of the boot of Italy--- John calling ‘land ho’ at 20.30 hrs.
Later we saw Mount Etna on Sicily--- with pink cloud streaming from the
summit in the orange glowing sunset.
We dodged tankers overnight as traffic converged towards the Straits of
Messina, at its narrowest point only one and half miles between Messina on
Sicily and the Italian mainland.
At dawn we were still motoring around the toe of the boot, southern tip of
Italy before heading north west into the Straits.
We motored against a one-two knot current through the narrows with whirl
pools and races on either side covered by small boats with fishermen fishing for
a good catch in the mix of the waters of the Ionian and Tyrrhenian sea.
As we motored through at 10.00 hrs on 10th Sept. our log read 281 n
Photos of---
Leaving Zakinthos in the early morning light
Sunset nearing Sicily and Italy ( Mount Etna in the distance)
Sunrise over the toe of Italy
Messina Straits
Love to all
Tina and Tony, Jackie and John x x x