25:37.993N 17:27.29W

All aboard on Tioram are well and gradually finding their sea legs after a mixed first 24 hours. After leaving the marina yesterday afternoon to a fanfare from a local band and in glorious sunshine, we had a fantastic start. Initially heading offshore, whilst the majority of the fleet stayed further inshore and by dusk appearing to have been caught in the wind shadow at the south of the island, Tioram charged onwards under cruising chute, managing to overtake several more before darkness fell. After dark, the seas and wind strengthened more than forecast, but with several reefs in the main and gennie, we coped well in the conditions - it is quite impressive to be helming and you look back to see a wave above you! Today the wind has weakened significantly, but the rolling seas have remained so have kept the reefs in to make life slightly more comfortable. We managed a respectable 190 miles in the first 24 hours and are currently heading just south of west towards a waypoint west of the Cape Verdes. Tonight is going to be a cold one, but the entertainment on watch will be the Arabic Top 40 hits that the local fishermen like to play over Ch 16, it’ll keep us awake at least! Anyway, better go now as everyone is currently on deck awaiting dinner, a choice of ravioli or French onion soup, don’t say that this yachting life isn’t glamorous!! Love to all at home, Tina, Tony, Mike (back on watch this time!), Moira, Pat and Al |