Wow !!!!! 46 true knots on a buoy in Cannigione

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Tue 2 Sep 2014 16:30

Hi all,

This summer we have been told countless times by friends who live here and by other local people that the wind has been very different to normal.....and different to "decades before".

The summer heat was late kicking in this year and the normal sailing wind here has been far stronger and the maestrali more frequent.
The forecasting has been good and predicted most high winds and direction.

After a week of calmer weather in the Olbia area we headed back to Cannigione on the morning of the 31st with a strong maestrali forecast. We knew the winds might get into the 30s knots.

The mooring buoys at Cannigione are very strong with good concrete sinkers, well maintained and removed/ inspected each winter before being secured again each spring. So we had confidence in the buoy.

Tony put three lines to our bow including a metal/ spliced and cleated rope.  We dropped the Bimini and secured it, dropped the spray hood and made off halyards and secured the dinghy firmly to the deck in case we needed to move.
As the day progressed the winds increased with small waves moving across the bay of Cannigione, all generated by wind. We knew the sea state would be fine and protected in the NW forecast.
The wind increased throughout the day and into the evening with high 20s and into 30s knots with stronger gusts,
The strongest wind was forecast for overnight.......not the best time on a boat.

Tony ran our anchor alarm just in case the buoy dragged......very unlikely or we somehow broke three lines including a shackle .....almost impossible.  Even so we knew we would sleep happier.
We were a little more concerned about any yachts ahead of us breaking their own rope moorings.

So in bed we occasionally listened to the roar of the gusts. Tony took a torch to check the moorings........all good.  
By 5 am the gusts were substantial with Tiorams bow sailing up into the wind as the gusts increased. We both had been up several times ,but at this point we were sat at the chart table watching the wind speeds roaring in the high 30s and occasionally tipping to 40 true knots. Neither of us was going to venture outside and possibly be blown overboard or trip into the darkness.

I can't imagine what the roar of the wind out at sea would be in the bay on a flatish piece of protected water the wind noise and snatching motion of the boat was something else.

I have to admit to being quite anxious and internally almost scared as the wind speeds touched 46 true knots roaring outside with Tioram pitching around.  I have often been asked if I was ever scared out at sea etc.....I can honestly say I was never as anxious even thousands of miles out in the Atlantic as I was at 46 knots on a buoy in the darkness of 5 am.

Tony ran the radar to see if any yachts ahead of us had broken their own rope moorings. Everything looked good.
Finally as the hours progressed and daylight came the gusts decreased and the wind reduced.

We enjoyed three more lovely days and nights on the buoy, feeling like we were in another universe. By 4th August we moved into the marina, with just 2 true knots of wind on a glass like bay.  

There is a marinero at the marina who is Sardinian but born in Algherro where the locals speak Catalan Spanish dialect.  His name is Antonio, a kindly gentleman in his 70s. Even with my poor use of Spanish he understood my conversation..... that a night like that again on a buoy at 46 knots was divorce material......ha ha. Even in my poor Spanish, he listened and laughed out loud. Mmmmmm next time my vote is for the marina!!!!!

Photos below....of the  'lighter' 20 plus wind across the water in Cannigione bay on the afternoon of the 31st.

Love to all
Tina and Tony x x x


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