Pizza with Maltese Friends.
Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Sun 9 Jan 2011 11:12
Pizza with Maltese Friends, 8th January 2011.
We have said on several occasions that one of the best things about
travelling is meeting interesting and nice people. We have found the Maltese
people very helpful and happy to advise or help us to find things we have needed
or with directions to places etc.
We have met a lovely couple, Hermann and Rosanne and their family and they
kindly invited us to their lovely home for an evening meal. They owned a
restaurant a few years ago and so Hermann has been giving Tony some instructions
on how to mix a great pizza doe. Yesterday Hermann carefully pre prepared
the doe ready for the evening and showed us how to flip it to get it to size and
add ingredients.
Five pizzas later, dessert, Maltese sweets and a couple of bottle's of
wine, lots of laughter and some great conversation about Maltese life-------
We would like to thank Rosanne, Hermann, Maria and Chris for their kind
hospitality and a lovely evening shared.
Photos below......... Hermann in their kitchen with his special pizza
‘shovel’ , cooking home made pizza----mmmmh !!!
Tina and Tony x x |