Mazarron, mainland to Formentera, Balearic Islands, Spain. 20 - 23rd June 2012. 38:43.95N 001:24.28E
Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Thu 5 Jul 2012 12:43
At 13.00 hours local time we slipped our warps from
Mazarron to head for Formentera in the Balearic Islands.
Mom and Dad waved us from the dock--- it is always a bit
emotional when leaving by boat for distant shores and saying goodbye
to loved ones.
They were accompanied by Ian our friend and neighbour
in Mazarron, who sailed with us in the past ; also Amorina and
Sonia Spainsh friends and the whole of the 'Conessa' family--- a local
family who have also become friends.
The large 'send off' was partly because Maria and
Pepe Conessa are on board and would like to help us to sail Tioram
East. Neither have sailed before or for any distance, but they are
keen to try the 'experience'.
Maria and Pepe own a wonderful local churreria called
'Caranaca'---- a cafe which sells 'Churros y chocolate'-- a type of
doughnut fritter which is dipped into cups of liquid choclate--- and is the
traditional Spanish equivalent of our English breakfast----
We first ventured into the cafe because of the lovely
frenetic atmosphere of local people of all ages enjoying breakfast....... time
has passed and we now know the family very well.
Maria and Pepe dont speak any English and so our challenge
is to speak Spanish on board 24/7 !!!!!!!!
We waved as we left Mazarron harbour and bay until we
lost the last glimpse of Mom and Dad and friends.
With a good weather forecast we motor sailed North East along the coast heading out to the Balearics
to miss the uncomfortable race off the Mar Minor which we have suffered
The wind filled, engine off, all sails up and Tioram
skipped along in 12 knots true wind.
We sailed through the night passing the West to East
line of longitude between midnight and 03.00 am---- Tioram sails East again.
The wind increased to17 knots T wind, but with a
rolly cross sea.
Maria and Pepe slept on deck, not feeling too well,
whilst Tony and I kept a watch system.
After 150N miles on a rolly sea the reward was the arrival
at Formentera at 16.00 hrs on 21st June where we anchored near the
The following day we decided not to continue to sail to
Ibiza as planned and to give Maria and Pepe time to recover, so we lifted anchor
and moved to anchor off the incredibly beautiful Espalmador peninsular beach and
marine reserve. We enjoyed a lovely restful day and took a dinghy
taxi to the undeveloped shore for a 'nadar and andar' a swim and a
walk along the Caribbean-like beach. A real treat for Maria and Pepe to
see and enjoy.
love to all
Maria, Pepe, Tina and Tony x x x x
SORRY, no pictures at the moment as the following blogs will be loaded by
satellite phone from the boat as we travel to Greece. We will post all the
photographs of the trip when we get a wi-fi connection in Greece.