South to Paxos again---30th-31st May 2011. 39:12.14N 020:11.20E

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Thu 2 Jun 2011 08:23
The lovely island of Corfu was our most Northerly point and so we headed
south to Plataria on the mainland, nice little place with a charter fleet
filling the small marina. Many charterers are safe, experienced people but
the new comers who do 360 degree pirouettes leaving the dock are a bit nerve
racking for the lead charter guys watching on the dock as their boats
Paxos was a lovely two night stay, we hired a scooter and we were in our
element exploring again. Here are a couple more better photos looking down
on the lovely sheltered anchorage.
Love to all
Tina and Tony x x