Island of Makronis off Arki, Dodecanese. 1st--2nd August. 37:22.17N 026:44.95E

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Wed 10 Aug 2011 10:33
We anchored in deep water going stern to the vertical rocks in a bay
off the tiny islet of Makronis.
Pat heroically clambered up the rocks, spiking himself on a sea urchin---
poor thing – and tied us to the shore.
We swam for a few hours enjoying the superb clear water before having to
move because the anchor wasn't holding well enough for an overnight stay. We
motored around to an adjacent bay on the other side of Makronis for the
evening, a BBQ --- enjoying star gazing in the light pollution free skies and a
calm overnight at anchor.
Photos of--------
Pat helming
Pat ashore securing lines--- rewarded with a beer
Anchored in bay
Love to all our families and friends
Tina and Tony x x
Carol, Pat, Alex and Imogen x
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