Santa Cruz de la Palma
28:40.752N 17:45.999W Weds 20th Feb 2019 It turned out that we were very lucky with the weather for our first week on La Gomera; a couple of days after that last magnificent walk the trade winds arrived and we experienced the legendary clouds and rain enveloping the island. Although it was tempting to move on, the sea state was distinctly nasty, in fact we could see breaking waves rolling down the side of the island. So we waited it out, arguably one day too long, as we had not enough wind to sail the 52nm passage to La Palma. There was enough swell left to make Lindsay queasy all day as well. The last day of waiting took its toll in another way too – D fell on a run and did a bit of damage to knee, hip & shoulder, making moving around the boat a bit of a pain. We’ll post more when we’ve got something to say about La Palma. |