Frikes on Ithaca
Our shortest sail so far this year – just 10 miles across the water and around the top of Ithaca to Frikes. The hours spent cleaning Red Panda’s hull paid off with much better boat speed & engine efficiency – maybe as much as 20% better. The pilot book isn’t explicit about mooring, so despite the tight space we did a normal stern-to moor, only to be told the bottom won’t hold the anchor well in the afternoon/evening winds. So we dithered about deciding what to do, then those damned winds started and we were stuck. We went alongside, as you do in the UK, but in a poor place and had to “warp” the boat around (pull her with long ropes) to the right spot. A nearby Aussie boat helped, as did a load of local lads who thought it was a hoot. We were so glad we did, as the following day a huge wave from a high speed ferry was funnelled into the port and caused some damage to boats less well placed!
Frikes is tiny, but delightful, and a short walk from “Homer’s School” – just a Bronze Age settlement of no certain history that they are using to cement the historical connections really. But what a walk! Great views all around, culminating in a really atmospheric setting. We went late enough to have the place to ourselves.
Wonderful views on the way to “Homer’s School”:
The Bronze Age settlement – it was more atmospheric in the flesh – honestly! |