La Ciotat
43:10.363N 5:36.456E Sat 28th May 2016
Another very short hop with no wind took us to La Ciotat, an old shipbuilding port now being re-purposed as a specialist centre for superyachts. We needed somewhere to wait for fair winds for our next leg and we rather liked the place, chosen almost at random. It’s great to see the old shipyards being reused; some of the largest travel-lifts we’ve ever seen are now being used to take huge motor yachts out for refitting and there is a new specialist facility for the very latest in carbon fibre racing machines. The town itself is modest but nonetheless rather nice. We’d imagined that a port of this size would have plenty of room for us, but the only space available was on the reception quay. Originally we were told it was only available for one night, but we got them to let us stay for two as long as we got away early on Monday.
The town is overlooked by a fascinating bit of geology; a “pudding stone” peak with interesting shapes depending on point of view. It’s called “Cap D’Aigle” as from sea it looks quite like an eagle’s beak. We walked around the park they’ve created around it and it is weird, made entirely of what looks like pebbles set in concrete.