Poros on Cephalonia
We had a very pleasant stay in Argostoli – we had forgotten quite how special it is mooring on a Greek town quay. We can sit in our own “home”, watching people stroll by, can just step ashore to shop, eat or buy a beer, without having to think about using the tender, a long walk into town or all the other (very minor!) inconveniences we so often face. The down-side is a certain lack of privacy, plus the frequent difficulties we’ll face doing the “med moor” – which involves us each doing 2 jobs at once as we anchor, motor astern to the quay, then tying up to odd bollards & things.
We stayed in Argostoli a little longer than planned – firstly due to a couple of days of strong winds which would have made mooring very difficult. Then we needed to get our internet connection sorted, and I had misunderstood how the Greek equivalent of the Italian set-up we used worked (WIND mobile broadband). In the end we had some advice from a fellow Cruising Association member, and managed to get an annual contract with Vodafone’s mobile broadband despite not having the “correct” documentation.
So it was Tuesday afternoon before we got away. We had a very pleasant motorsail (more motor than sail) around the South coast to the next main town, Poros. Another perfectly lovely place, with a small gorge behind it and a nice mix of bars etc:-