Navplion-Poros-Hydra-Ermioni 9-24/8
Have just spent a very enjoyable 2 weeks with family, first Sally and Chris and then Heather and Di, so writing a blog was not a top priority. We didn’t venture very far in sailing terms but stayed around the Argolic and Saronic Gulfs mostly looking for the best spots to swim off the boat! The visitors overlapped for 2 days which made for a very cosy time but it was fun to be together, especially as Heather and Di had come all the way from Ohio to join us and see Sally and Chris too. Sally and Chris arrived at the absolute height of the summer heat and suffered a bit as a result. Thank goodness for an electric fan we could turn on for them at night. Heather brought us 2 more from the States so that saved all our lives when we were 6. During Heather and Di’s visit the weather turned a fraction cooler but that also meant the advent of stronger winds, so they were a bit unlucky as we had to curtail our sailing plans. We even stayed in one place (Ermioni) for 3 nights.
We missed the “crew” when they had gone but now are looking forward to another family visit from sister and husband from Sydney! |