Isla Tagomago
Only a short hop today to shorten the passage to Mallorca, so we had time to explore Ibiza town a bit more before leaving. It’s a great little place, with ramparts overlooking the sea, plus an interesting museum next to the cathedral (itself imposing from the outside but very dull inside). Unfortunately the Punic/Carthaginian tombs & their museum were closed for the duration, so we missed out on one of our objectives here. The inhabitants are “interesting”; many ageing hippies and odd looking ex-pats. This was our first experience of a tourist spot for some time, so it was a bit of a shock to hear & read so much English, German etc. Boring sailing stuff: (most of you will want to skip these bits, so I’ll write them in blue from now on): We set off after a little mooring practice and a masterclass from our friend Steve, who always makes stern-to mooring look so easy. His diagnosis was that Red Panda behaves oddly astern, but I still fear it is my technique that’s at fault. At least I don’t get into a funk anymore, even though I’m making some dreadful cock-ups. We rejected our first anchorage near the NW tip of Ibiza as it was too rolly. After a short run over to a nearby island, we picked up a free bouy overnight – probably used by day trippers in season. However, it turned our just as rolly, and we ended up sleeping athwartships (across the width of the bed) to cope with the roll better. |