Day 4 - Beverly MA - Cape May NJ

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Mon 17 Sep 2018 22:28
38:57.5N 74:52.0W

Eventually the dawn chases the darkness away and a new day begins. A freshening breeze, veering more southerly, sails trimmed and engine off, sailing under full canvas at last. Breakfast of Aunt Jemma's pancakes and bacon - ably cooked by Mark under heel, and enjoyed by all.

As the day progressed the wind increased to a full beam reach a 15+ knots, powering Magic Friday to boats speeds of 9+ knots (a little less speed recorded over ground), occasionally dipping the genoa in the spray along the way!

Barnegat Bay, Ocean City and Atlantic City all passing by in the distance. An exhilarating sail to finish this passage down to Cape May.

Safely on the dock at Two Mile Landing marina - earlier than we had predicted. Competition results - Mark's sighting's taking the prize (dolphins, a turtle, a child's plastic bucket and a dead fish (no less), although pilot whale sightings were also a highlight!

Time for a group picture (and a beer), clean up and dine at the marina side Crab House.. end of a great 388nm journey. Thanks to the crew - good times were shared by all!

Phil. Mark and Tom

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