Day 2 - Saint Martins

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Mon 16 Apr 2012 02:55
18:02.1N 63:06.4W
A difficult start to the day - but "All's Well That Ends Well"! Anchor was caught on an optical cable and then the electric windlass failed! A very helpful passing dive boat solved our anchor problem - although I was alll ready to do the dive myself - it was not necessary. Truly weighing the anchor (manually) after it was freed was the first time for a long time (usually Di's role) - and a heavy anchor at that!! Still troubleshooting the windlass failure. Auto-pilot fixed with new fuse and we were on our way - albeit ~1.5 hours later than planned. Fresh NE 20-23 knots as predicted provided a strong beat to St Martins - due north. Motoring to finish the last 3 nm we still arrived after dark - no mooring boys in sight - dropped the anchor again - ready for another "weighing" by hand tomorrow! Nevertheless, a good sail, late sundowners (after anchored) and a pleasant meal set us in good sted for the night. oh, and it looks like we have anchored alongside a small airport - 4 planes landed in the last half-hour - hopefully it shuts down soon! Let's see what tomorrow brings! Phil and Di.