St Mary's Inlet - Cumberland Island

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Thu 11 Aug 2016 17:02
30:45.4N 81:28.4W

Early morning start - air-conditioner packed away - this time in the locker as we may use at a marina stop-over. and underway. Past "golden" rushes, egret's fishing and pelican crowded navigation buoys as we motor out of St Simon's channel onto a calm sea, a light breeze and clear blue sky - perfect! Mainsail set, just off head-to-wind we cruise south at 5 knots, slipping past shrimpers on the way down. As the wind strengthened and veered south-easterly, full sails set and a brief sail without the motor before coming up upon St Mary's inlet buoys and our route inward. Anchor set by 4:00pm in our "usual" spot alongside Cumberland Island - all alone, no other boats over-nighting with us this time. Dinner outside in a cool evening breeze and early to bed - watching the marks routinely throughout the night to ensure we don't drag the anchor - all was calm and quiet.

Phil and Di

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