Day 8 - Brunswick GA - Florida (Port Canaveral)

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sun 28 Feb 2016 19:16
28:24.5N 80:37.6W

Venus rising from the east - just before the dawn - heralded a new day and sight of the Cape Canaveral NASA rocket launch sites. Rounding the cape and taking position in the busy shipping lane (being dredged) we called marinas for a transient slip to enjoy Port Canaveral and rest for the night. Negotiating past the mega-cruise liners ready to voyage to the Bahamas, cargo ships and Hawaiian style canoeists - we eventually tied up in Cape Marine (post ties - always awkward). Time to explore.... a weekend seafood festival with loud music nearby....however, we passed this by and choose a canal side bar for happy hour instead!


Phil and Di

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