Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sun 29 Oct 2017 18:21
A very blustery day - blowing 20-25 knots in the marina - definitely a day to finish preparations and provision for food.
Mini Magic inflated in the cold wind. Ship's depth log installed, last minute checks with navigation instruments on . or NOT on! No lat/long fix from the ship's GPS, no depth, no wind speed..very odd and worrying. Investigations start, cruisers guide pages scoured for any joy. The "Bus" on which all the Simrad instruments "talk" to each other and communicate output to the chart plotter was definitely "off" with TX errors reading 255 (the maximum, there should be no errors at all). Something / some instrument was causing the system to go down. Baffling how everything works fine on the last visit and now this.I'll never fully understand electrics / electronics!
Had to end the day with the decision of "we are not going anywhere tomorrow or any day until this is fixed"! Admittedly we could sail without wind instruments, even with lat/long for a short sail but no depth was more concerning due to the ever present (and shifting) shoals.
No choice but to continue troubleshooting tomorrow. Dinner spent mulling over what could it be.? Needless to add, a sleepless night as well! Dreaming of a new day and all will be well!
Phil and Di