Day 8 - Western Atlantic

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Tue 19 Jun 2012 22:13
28:53.1N 76:57.4W


A perfect night's sailing under innumerable stars followed by clear blue skies and consistent winds from the north east throughout - F4 strengthening to 5 as the morning wore on enabling us to follow our rhumb line with ease at 8-9 knots. Noon-to-noon day run topped 153nm - our best yet as Hilton Head is in our sights (although not literally as yet - we still have 300nm to go). An arrival sometime Thurs (possible early morning) is now likely if these winds hold.


As we progress through the Bermuda Triangle - one has to wonder at a few incidences we have experienced so far : Mike A's watch re-sets itself to a January 1st (Sunday) date (year unknown) and has been unexplainably loosing time ever since, the forward deck navigation lights are not functioning (not an issue as we use a masthead tri-colour light), the ship's log (recording boat speed) temporarily cut off (probably seaweed), the instrument measuring sea temp has been constantly increasing - reaching 50C (!) and then the anchor self-deployment yesterday - all just coincidences (of course)! 


Finally, the afternoon of stainless steel cleaning proved too much for the crew (see below) - well, there is always tomorrow!. At least dinner of de-frosted perch (“caught” in the local supermarket not on Mike A's guaranteed lure) and cooked by our fish master-chef (Mike G) will round off a great day’s blue water sailing.


Phil, Mike and Mike.