Day 12 - Cape May NJ - Beverly MA

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Mon 11 Jun 2018 17:36
41:27.6N 70:33.6W

A grey morning day breaks over Oak Bluffs. The small town was settled in 1642 and named due to the numerous oak trees that grew on the cliff tops. The official incorporation was in 1880, spurred by the Methodist tabernacle of 1879. An annual Methodist retreat grew from those who camped in tents to the hundreds of small cottages (known as the "Gingerbread Cottages" still present today - definitely a place to explore. One of the cottages is a museum - very interesting learning the history behind the initial leasing of the land for the Methodists summer camp, then the construction of the small cottages using the wooden frame from the canvas tents and finally private purchase and some extensions to the single room cottages for permanent living. The Church of 1890 and tabernacle still central to the cottage encampment.

Lunch at "Nancy's" overlooking the bay. Then back over to the town in the afternoon for a much needed laundry visit, a 5 mile run (exploring more of the outer town) and some provisions! Evening BBQ back on-board.

Phil and Di

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