Brunswick Landing Marina - Georgia

Magic Friday
Phil, Di and Annelise
Sat 31 Mar 2018 17:31
31:09.5N 81:29.9W

A bright and sunny start to a busy day. Provisions for a fortnight to be bought and stowed, a walk to the dock office to settle final accounts, safety gear to be rigged, sharp pins to be taped over, rigging checked and a few minor changes to sun baked elastic straps. . all done.

Ready to go north.. as the northerly breeze continued to blow until late in the day as forecast and finally dropped, looking to the new day to bring a more favourable wind!

As the sun began to drop in the sky, an early Easter celebration to be had and a BBQ to attend to for the evening. Watching the sun set over the Marshes of Glynn one last time before retiring to a "Smileys People" DVD.

Phil and Di

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