Getting to Ko Phayam

Anthony Swanston
Wed 20 Dec 2023 01:42
I head out of Krabi Boat Lagoon into the middle of the jellyfish catching season. A man in the bow of a longtail has a net on a long pole and directs the skipper towards a jellyfish. The skipper changes course without looking so life is exciting for me. But this is big business for Krabi. I am so busy dodging I forget to take photographs.
I leave Chicken Island behind and anchor for the night. Next day there is strong wind and big confused seas giving a very uncomfortable passage to the south end of Phuket then calm water up to the airport anchorage.. Day three sees no wind and I anchor in the naval base of Thap Lamu. Day four, again no wind, and into the area we call the estuary and anchor for the night beside my friend Kerry from Maloolaba. Next day I make it to Ko Phayam and only three boats there. Numbers in the Indian Ocean have not recovered from Covid!
Next day I have to take a speedboat to Ranong on the mainland to sort out a passport issue then back to rent a motor scooter (no cars on Phayam) and to stock up on shopping. As usual we use the Sun Resort as our base. Nam, the manager for more than five years, still speaks almost no English. She organises laundry and some jerry cans of diesel which has to go through a special Baja filter as it is dirty - such is island life.
I potter around the island. Some boats come and some go. Those who go are harassed by Port Control for money and ordered back. They don't come back! It is a long story but our clearance agent reports them to the anti corruption commission and they back off. Such is island life.
Next day I hope to try to get into the Moken village on a nearby island...