
Anthony Swanston
Thu 11 Jul 2013 18:32
The re-launch was routine,
thankfully. A very professional boatyard
and great people. That has been the
hallmark of French Polynesia; everyone is super friendly and helpful. After a bit of R&R it was time to go but
not before I had dropped my Leatherman over the side in the marina in water 15
metres deep. I borrowed a strong magnet
and tried for hours fishing for it (stainless steel or not Leathermans are
strongly magnetic). The marina manager
had a good laugh and donned diving gear and recovered it for me – no charge - after
a local dive school had wanted to charge me $50! My Leatherman and I have been together a long
time and we are old friends.
I headed west to the next
island, Moorea and anchored in Cook’s Bay, deep water but a beautiful
place. Four wheel drive trips ashore,
car and bike hire – lots to do and see.
A very laid back island but with a lot of very upscale hotel
complexes. The superyacht with the
helicopter was here and got its anchor stuck for several hours. It was nice to see the mega rich having the
same sort of problems as the riff raff!
The next island is Huahine, an
overnight sail away. Not sure when I am
leaving. There is a mixed weather
forecast and a party ashore on Sunday 14th. The last party had excellent local dancers
and music. In the meantime I am reveling
in the stunning scenery…