Passage to Mendana Bay

Anthony Swanston
Sun 27 Sep 2015 07:42
The problem with Indonesia at this time of year is the lack of wind. A lot of motoring but the local scenery is quite spectacular. The whole fleet is in touch each morning over our HF radios. As you would expect we are pretty strung out with people having their own ideas; but at the next rally point we all have to get together for yet another visa renewal.
My knee is healing but ever so slowly and I have to be very careful to prevent re-infection. It is amazing the number of things you cannot do when you have a sore knee.
Take a good look at the photograph of my chartplotter at Komodo. I am actually anchored 200 yards out from the beach but the plotter shows me as being 200 yards inland. Do not trust Indonesian charts and always rely on Mark 1 eyeball navigation...