Leaving for Langkawi

Anthony Swanston
Fri 14 Apr 2017 05:46

Gina finishes her land tour and comes aboard.  Eventually.  My agent gets her a pass to get into the harbour but fails to get her one to get out again.  So he thought that she was going to sit in the filthy harbour for four days?  Joined up thinking is not an option in Sri Lanka.

My shore power is disconnected 48 hours before I leave as it is a national holiday.  And perish the thought that my 12 volt fridge would bankrupt the port authority during those 48 hours.

Because I have had a dreadful ‘flu bug I do not want to snorkel to clean the bottom of the boat once out in clean water.  Apart from anything else I just do not have the energy.  We locate a diver.  Normal cost in an Asian marina US$50.  A bit more as this guy will have to come to me in his motor boat.  He quotes US$1,500.  Then calls back to say there will be an additional US$250 booking fee.  US$1,750 in all for a one hour scrub.  My next door neighbour tries to get a fridge re-gassed, normally US$250.  No, not here.  US$1,750.  US$1,750 seems to be a standard price for everything.  For those prepared to pay it, that is.

Gina and I arrive back from the markets laden with food supplies for the passage back.  Head of security is waiting by the boat.  It seems that the head of Immigration has invited himself to sightsee my boat with his wife and three horrible children. No please may I.  Just I am here and we are coming aboard.

The wind is changing and the current abating so we decide to clear out Friday.  Good Friday in the Christian world and New Year’s day in the Buddhist world.   As we make our way across there could be lots of nasty thunderstorms.  Time will tell.

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