Bye Bye Belitung

Anthony Swanston
Wed 28 Oct 2015 04:03
Subject: Bye Bye Belitung
We had a day trip in Belitung, first to a local school, then a tin museum (tin is huge here), then lunch, then a wooden boat building yard. The school children were pleased to see us as they then had a morning off work and some of the girls had a chance to dance. But the girls went stir crazy when the fair haired, blue eyed teenage boys from the rally fleet arrived. It was like an early Beetles concert! The tin museum was boring. Lunch was OK but lots of Indonesian officials trying to look important. The idiots even gave us a police escort. The best bit was a wooden boat building yard. Traditional skills to the fore.
That night another dinner, speeches and yet more dancing and then off to sea the next day. Into the smoke from the illegal forest fires on Sumatra.