Another month slips by

Well another month slips by and not much has happened except that another root canal treatment done by the dentist from hell in New Zealand has gone wrong. The jury is out on the ‘what to do’ front. A decision will be made in a day or two.
On the day when more than 50 Chinese tourists were drowned another boat with 48 on board sank. It is now hauled out at my marina. In rising waves the captain plowed on. Heavy spray came on deck and, as there were no scuppers the water could not go back into the sea. As there was no step between the deck and the saloon the water poured into the boat. The pumps could not cope. But the captain just plowed on. Until the boat sank. Chinese officials visited yesterday for an inspection. Almost 700,000 Chinese have now cancelled their holidays in Phuket.
Meantime it is time for an engine re-build for me after 11 years. The arithmetic is fairly simple. For twice the money I can get a new and more powerful engine – Wild Fox was always a little underpowered.
I go on a Thai cookery course which was a delight. Organised by a bunch of young and motivated people they ran it like a military operation. And the final result first class, if I say so myself. I may go back and do another. With Huan. Who is joining me from Mainland China on an open ended visit.