The first Andaman Islands

Anthony Swanston
Sun 17 Feb 2019 06:58
All of the islands have English names so pronunciation is easy, Neil, Havelock, Inglis, North Button for starters. I am hopping from anchorage to anchorage with little wind so this becomes something of a motoring holiday. Lots of coastguard cutters cruising along at close to 40 knots. And coastguard helicopters. The people may be penniless but the government is rich. The big danger here is salt water crocodiles; some areas are safer than others, but you always have to keep a good watch when swimming.
Being isolated – 400 miles from Myanmar, 250 miles from the Irawaddy Delta, 800 miles from mainland India you would expect pristine beaches. Some are but many are not. The plastic waste here is all home grown.