Christchurch, Quake City

Anthony Swanston
Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:04
I take the long drive up to Christchurch decimated by an earthquake in February 2011. The rebuilding is very controversial. Over 8,000 houses are in the red zone - on ground which is too unstable to build on again. The Anglican and Roman Catholic Cathedrals are both badly damaged. The Roman Catholics say they will repair if somebody gives them the money; the Anglicans have no money and say the city should pay. The arguments smoulder on. The Arts Centre is neo-Gothic is and the restoration will take 20 years. Many buildings look OK but the ground beneath is unstable and will have to come down.

185 people died, 115 of them in the CTV building declared safe after a lesser earthquake a year before. Many were buried in rubble but alive - they were sending text messages. On a green beside the building friends and relatives waited but the rescue services could not go in due to the aftershocks. In the end only one person came out alive. Meanwhile the waiting crowd were always on TV. One woman recognised a burglar she had nearly apprehended months before. He was arrested.

But all in all it is a city of regeneration where everybody save a few whingers is optimistic.

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