Ko Phing Kan

Anthony Swanston
Mon 18 Jan 2016 06:59
Ko Phing
Kan, alias James Bond Island, is nothing more than a tourist trap. But it did put this part of the world on the
“Must Go” list and has therefore created a lot of employment. Which Thailand needs.
The water is
shallow and I anchor 600 yards from shore with one and a half metres below the
keel and go in at 0800. The famous beach
is in heavy shade. The scene must have
been shot after twelve noon when the sun was high and much further towards the west. The
first tourist boat arrives half an hour later, an upmarket bit of kit with well
to do 30 somethings aboard. The first
“volume” boats start arriving shortly after that. Literally thousands of visitors each day.
I wouldn’t
go again but by the same token I would not have missed it.