Puerto Lucia

Anthony Swanston
Tue 19 Feb 2013 13:43
Well the paperwork here would drive you nuts. I got my boat visa extended but my own visa took a round trip of 200 miles and $550. And it is still not through. Also there is a major question mark over my paperwork for the Galapagos.
More important though. If you remember the posts from Cuba and Jamaica you will remember Sapir the Horrible Hitchiker (HH). After Jamaica she went to Haiti to do volunteer work at a Jewish charity, then met mum and brother in Panama for a holiday. They all went to Costa Rica, mum and brother went home, Sapir stayed. After six months she wanted adventure, fun and the company of a really nice person. So she made the most logical decision in the world
and arrived back on Wild Fox at 0300 (inconvenient or what) on 19th February. Crossing the Pacific with me will be a baptism of fire for her so I must spend the remaining time here making her tough. Up at 0600, 14 hour working days. Today we are off to the supermarket for a major (Kosher) food shop so having a quick read of Leviticus before I go. Swans OK, owls not...........