Back at Royla Langkawi Yacht Club
Anthony Swanston
Fri 14 Feb 2020 08:11
I have talked before about the crazy speedboats in
Phuket. Three 250 HP engines, 30 + knots, 45 passengers and most of the 1,200
of these boats on the island are driven by idiots. In the five knot zone outside my marina two
of them collided at full speed. Two
children aged 6 and 12 died, dozens of serious injuries. A few weeks ago
another one collided with an anchored vessel also killing two. It has just been revealed that the skipper of
that boat was jailed in 2014 for causing death by dangerous driving of another
speed boat. Straight out of prison,
skipper again. A mad lack of regulation.
I head back to Langkawi. Day one the weather is horrible and for some of it I have 34 knots directly on the nose with driving rain which is not supposed to be there. But the rest of the passage is uneventful with the usual nice scenery. In the last stretch I am passed by all 190 feet of Twizzle who anchors and then comes into the marina later in the day. Her website has her available for charter at 235,000 Euro a week. I’ll maybe give her an initial trial for a month…