Anthony Swanston
Mon 28 Apr 2014 05:47
Wild Fox finally went splash on Thursday last just before the Anzac Day holiday on Friday. I changed the radar arch the old one being too wobbly. A new water generator and wind generator added to the fun. I moved the SSB aerial to keep it away from the interference of the radar arch; this left a big scar where the old bracket had been.
Now back in the water I have a leak in the fresh water system and am having fun finding parts to fit. And that is just for starters. Despite all I hope to be away from here in two weeks - up north to Fiji where once again it will be warm. The first boats leave in a day or two, 1st May being the official end to the cyclone season. I aim to be in Australia by next December via Fiji, Vanuvatu and New Caledonia.
There is a temptation to come back here because it is a wonderful country. But there is also a temptation to keep moving on. The big challenge, as yet unresolved, is how to get from India into the Med - the Red Sea and its approaches from 500 miles out being a no go area.