Hump Ridge, first part

Anthony Swanston
Wed 5 Mar 2014 02:58
The Hump Ridge adventure begins in Tuatapre, a one horse town with a very hospitable hotel. There are only four of us on this hike and when a guided hike is underway nobody else is allowed on the track. After all, we wouldn't want to mix with peasants.
It is a loop walk but the first 10 K in is repeated at the start and the finish. So rather than repeat the beach walk we take a helicopter in for that bit. The big advantage of this walk is that the helicopter takes the heavy luggage to each lodge so we only have to carry a day pack. The food, lodges and lodge managers are wonderful, especially Sue at Okaka; I will say nothing about the name of her accommodation.
The track is marked with orange triangles on trees. This does not just mean the way forward. It also means Protestants only. The other side of the tree has a green triangle for RCs who must walk in the opposite direction. But they can apply to the Rev. Ian Paisley for permission to TURN and walk in the Protestant direction. Now you know the origin of the term TURNED
On day one we climb 900 metres through natural forest and near the top the weather clears for a short while but then closes in again.