Kochi and the backwaters

Anthony Swanston
Fri 2 Mar 2018 12:04

Up at 0330 and a flight back to Kochi, not to the boat but for the rest of the tour and some new people joining.  We walk around the old town, visit the church where Vasco da Gama was laid to rest (later to be dug up and sent back to Portugal), we see some Chinese fishing techniques, visit a synagogue, all the usual stuff, not missing either a traditional laundry where everything is washed by hand and later a cultural dance.

The backwaters here are famous but with 1,000 houseboats now operating they are not just as serene as they might once have been. And the freshwater clams seem to be overfished. The first day of the month is a holy day so everybody throws coloured paint dust at each other.  Our hotels are a mixed bag, a lack of hot water being a common feature.

And then back to the boat to get ready for my new arrival…

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