
The Restricted Movement Order here has been extended by another two weeks. No surprise. The marina is closed to new boats and if we go out we cannot come back. Not that I can go out without an engine; and the new starter motor seems to have got itself lost. An easy enough thing to fit (if I had it) but I want an expert to diagnose the problem. Going on fire in the marina is one thing, going on fire out at sea in busy shipping lanes is quite another.
So it is self isolation in the marina which, above all else, is mighty boring. Without internet I would not know what is going on. The marina wifi does not work and my pre paid plan will run out soon. It can only be topped up at the shop. But the shops are closed, apart from supermarkets that is. A new directive is that only the head of the household can go shopping. In a Muslim county that is the husband. The average Muslim husband does not know the difference between salt and pepper never mind the myriad of herbs and spices used in Malaysian cooking.
On the subject of food, the supermarket shelves are well stocked but this is a small island so anything could happen. No laundry, so back to handwashing. Things dry very quickly as it is so hot but that makes the inside of the boat uncomfortable. I would do some varnishing outside except that I have no varnish and cannot get any.
If there are no more extensions 18 days to go…