Anthony Swanston
Tue 3 Nov 2015 07:55
About 12 miles from my next destination I pass a nice bay. Terminal boredom with motoring has set in so I drop anchor. In the last 650 miles I have used the engine for 150 hours! Next morning I arrive in Benan, a lovely island of just 800 people. I meet the young doctor, just qualified. He looks about 11 years old. He must spend 12 months in the islands to finish his training. He looks at my spider bite and tells me to leave the plaster off from now on. That is six weeks after leaving hospital, nine weeks from the bite itself.
More dancing goes without saying. Luke on Allure is having his 11th birthday. The school send along their choir and we have fireworks. Next day we have lunch at a local fish resturaunt, all the crab and squid you can eat, two pounds fifty a head...