Re-fit and Racing
Anthony Swanston
Sat 5 Mar 2016 08:30
The re-fit
goes well except it is very hot and humid.
The inside of the boat is 40 centigrade by midday. The craftsmanship here is impressive. Boats beside me are having new teak decks
laid, others complete repaint jobs.
I take a day
off to act as race officer for the small fleet of five Pulse 600
trimarans. Fabulous little boats but we
have to sit around for a couple of hours waiting for the wind to fill in. Importantly there is a good party after the
prize giving.
But for now
it is finish the boat and get ready for my overland trip. I am not going to be able to bring a laptop
and I cannot find a good re-sizing ap for my Ipad so the main photographs on
this blog will have to await my return in late May.